Download free wallpaper from the worlds most beautiful fjords and use as background or screensaver on your PC or Mac.
The Norwegian Fjords – Most of the wallpapers are from the fjords described in the Fjord Guide. It says which place and/or which fjord is in the picture. Note that it is not necessarily on or by the fjord, it can also be in the area around the fjord and on the coast.
Read also: Download Background Pictures from the fjords for your Mobile Phone.
How to do it, a little guide
Wallpaper: Click on the pictures below to download great wallpapers for your Mac or PC. A new window with the chosen Wallpaper Picture pops up. Right hand click on the picture and choose ‘save as’. Save the picture on your Mac or PC. Then make it your background Wallpaper.
Screensaver: You can also use background images as a screensaver on your Mac or PC. Create a folder, download and save the images you want in the folder. Then use the images as a screensaver. Below you will find links to how to do it.
Use your photos as a screensaver on your MAC.
Use your photos as a screensaver on your Windows PC.
Copyright: It is not permitted to use the pictures on other websites and on printed matter without agreement and permission. Copyright/photo: Øyvind Heen –