Mt Kirketaket in Isfjorden is one of many popular mountains for alpine ski touring with fjord view in the Romsdal area.
You can start your ski trip to Kirketaket from the car park at Skytebanen (the shooting range) or from Hellerøra at Stormyra in Isfjorden.
Visit Northwest
Visit Northwest is the official destination company for the Romsdalsfjord, Romsdal and Nordmøre area.
About season and other important information
GUIDE – We recommend you to join a Guided Tour to Kirketaket and to the other mountains in Romsdal.
SEASON – SKI TO KIRKETAKET – Winter, dates depends on the weather, temperature and the amount of snow in the mountains.
Skiing to Mt Kirketaket
Normally the ski trip to Kirketaket starts from the car park at Skytebanen (the shooting range) or from Hellerøra at Stormyra in Isfjorden.
From Hellerøra: The mountain road that starts at Øvre Kavli is, under normal conditions, plowed up to the parking lot at Hellerøra in winter (Toll road, it is the same road you drive in the summer, but it is only plowed up to the parking lot at Hellerøra in winter).
Read about ski touring to Kirketaket at
IMPORTANT! The ski trip to Mt Kirketaket takes place in avalanche-dangerous terrain! Before you ski on Mt Kirketaket and in the Romsdal Mountains, please check the Avalanche Forecast for Romsdal.
Guided tours on Mt Kirketaket and other mountains in Romsdal
We strongly recommend using guide services if you are skiing to Kirketaket and to other mountains in Romsdal, this is due to the fact that this ski-trip takes place in avalanche-dangerous terrain where there are also narrow and steep sections and dangerous and overhanging snow cornice.
The guiding companies deliver both guiding and courses in Alpine Ski Touring and Avalanche Courses.
GUIDE SERVICE – Uteguiden at Åndalsnes
GUIDE SERVICE – Romsdal Lodge in Isfjorden
Snow Cornice on Kirketaket
IMPORTANT! The snow can be blown to a large overhanging Snow Cornice (Snøskavl) in north direction along the top-ridge. Due to this, never ski further than you can see rocks/stones at the summit of Mt Kirketaket.
Never ski/walk close towards the edge/ridge where you don´t know if you have the mountain or just an overhanging snow cornice under your feet. Snow cornices might break at an angle of 45 degrees inwards, which means that you must keep a good distance to snow cornices.
Picture: One day before the picture was taken, a person left these tracks on the Snow Cornice at the summit of Mt Kirketaket. The day after, the snow and the tracks had disappeared. The person that walked there probably do not know it, but should be very lucky to be alive today!
Italian Freeride Skiers visiting Romsdal
Skiers from the Italian Dolomites, the Tirol area, visited Romsdal for one week in April 2019. They were skiing on Mt Blånebba and Mt Kirketaket and other mountains in the Romsdalsfjord area. It looks like they had a great time, see video below. Welcome back, Italy! Guides from White Spirit Freeride Guides. Photo: Enrico Masi.
Skiing in Norway and in the fjords often takes place in avalanche-dangerous terrain. In general, it is recommended to avoid terrain steeper than 30 degrees and keep a distance to runout zones for avalanches.
We recommend that you use sertified guide services when ski-touring in Norway.
It is recommended to use an avalanche beacon and to have a avalanche probe and an avalanche shovel in your rucksack when you are on a ski trip and are skiing in terrain that can be exposed for avalanches. It is important to learn and to be able to use an avalanche beacon and avalanche equipment so you are well prepared if someone in your ski group are caught by an avalanche.
IMPORTANT! Always check the Avalanche Forecast in the area you plan to ski before you ski in Norway. At you will also find Avalanche Danger Scale and great information about avalanches and what to consider before you go skiing in the mountains.
IMPORTANT! The snow can be blown to a large Snow Cornice (Snøskavl) in different directions on mountain peaks, mountain edges and in the mountains in general. Never ski/walk close towards an edge where you don´t know if you have the mountain or just a snow cornice under your feet. Snow cornices might break at an angle of 45 degrees inwards, which means that you must keep a good distance to snow cornices.
Romsdalsfjord – What to See and Do
From snowy mountains to beautiful coastline of islands and reefs. Experience all this in one day due to the short distance from mountains to coast.
Trollstigen, The Troll Wall, Romsdalseggen, Rampestreken and Litlefjellet are great places to visit in the inner part of the Romsdalsfjord, where the fjord meets the spectacular and alpine Romsdal mountains.
Drive to the viewpoint Varden at 407 masl and take in the spectacular Molde Panoramic View towards the Romsdalsfjord and the 222 snowcapped mountains. Ona Island and Ona Lighthouse, The Atlantic Road and Midsundtrappene are attractions facing the Atlantic Ocean.
Travel green to Åndalsnes with Rauma Railway, a wild, beautiful and unique experience regardless of season. From Åndalsnes Railway Station, you can walk straight from the train and over to the Romsdal Gondola that takes you up to the city-mountain Mt Nesaksla and Eggen Restaurant.
From Mt Nesaksla you have a fantastic view towards Isfjorden, down to the Romsdalsfjord and up towards the Romsdalen Valley which you have just experienced from the train ride along the Rauma Railway. The Romsdalsfjord is located in the county of Møre og Romsdal, north in Western Norway.
Hotels and Accommodation at Åndalsnes and Romsdal
Grand Hotel at Åndalsnes
Frich´s Ekspress Hotel Åndalsnes
Aak Hotel in Romsdalen by Åndalsnes
Åndalsnes Vandrerhjem at Setnes at Veblungsnes
Åndalsnes Camping by Rauma River at Åndalsnes
Mjelva Camping at Mjelva at Åndalsnes
Soggebru Camping at Sogge at Åndalsnes
Trollstigen Resort at Sogge at Åndalsnes
Trollstigen Gjestegård og Camping in Isterdalen below Trollstigen
Trollveggen Camping by the Troll Wall in Romsdalen
Accommodation in Isfjorden
Åndalsnes and Romsdal – Useful Links
Online Booking Romsdalseggen Bus – Hiking Guide to the mountains in Romsdal
Norsk Tindesenter at Åndalsnes – Åndalsnes in Romsdal – Trollstigen in Romsdal – The Romsdalsfjord – Romsdalseggen – Romsdal Gondola – Rauma Railway