One might not associate Dovrefjell and Snøhetta with the fjords in Western Norway. But if you drive through Dombås on your way to the Romsdalsfjord, it’s not a long detour to the beautiful Viewpoint Snøhetta. Dovrefjell and Snøhetta is one of our greatest national symbols and is well worth a visit.
Viewpoint Snøhetta at Dovrefjell was designed by the architects at Snøhetta. From Viewpoint Snøhetta you have a fantastic view towards the mountain Snøhetta and the wonderful mountain landscape that you are now in the middle of.
Visit Northwest
Visit Northwest is the official destination company for the Romsdalsfjord, Romsdal and Nordmøre area.

About season and other important information
TOUR DESCRIPTION – Read about Viewpoint Snøhetta on the website of Visitor Centre Wild Reindeer at Hjerkinn Station.
GRADING – Medium. ALTITUDE DIFFERENCE – This hike starts at approx. 1100 masl (Parking place for Viewpoint Snøhetta at Hjerkinn, north-east of Hjerkinn Station). Highest point at approx. 1220 masl (Viewpoint Snøhetta at Tverrfjellet). The hike goes along a well-made gravel road.
SEASON – June to September, these are approximate dates that depend on the weather, temperature and amount of snow in the mountains. Viewpoint Snøhetta opens when the snow disappears at Dovrefjell in the spring and closes when the snow returns at Dovrefjell in the autumn. See the website of Visitor Centre Wild Reindeer at Hjerkinn for more information about the season, about the hike to Viewpoint Snøhetta and generally about Dovrefjell.
SAFETY IN THE MOUNTAINS – You should follow the Norwegian Mountain Code when hiking in Norway. It can change from summer and sunny weather to winter and frost in minutes! Always check the Weather Forecast before you go hiking. For safety reasons it is recommended to avoid hiking in Thunderstorms, in fog, in bad weather and when it is snow and ice on the trail and in the mountain! Always bring good clothes and hiking shoes. And have enough food and water in your rucksack.
The hike to Viewpoint Snøhetta and the Viewpoint Snøhetta

There is an exit from the main road at Hjerkinn to the car park where the hike to Viewpoint Snøhetta starts. Hjerkinn is located approximately 30 kilometers north-east of Dombås, at the top of the mountain pass over Dovrefjell, between Dombås and Oppdal.
Follow the signs to Viewpoint Snøhetta at Tverrfjellet, there is approximately 1.5 kilometer of gravel road (automatic toll road) from where you turn off from the main road up to the car park. At the car park there are information signs about Dovrefjell, as well as a great sanitary building with toilets and sinks with access to water.

Since Viewpoint Snøhetta and the trail are located in a landscape protected area, it is not permitted to spend the night in a motorhome, caravan or tent. It is also not legal to cycle up to the viewpoint.
The hike to Viewpoint Snøhetta starts from the car park and goes along a well-developed gravel road. The hike is about 1.5 kilometers long and has an ascent of about 120 metres.
Note that it can change from summer and sunny weather to winter and frost in minutes! Always check the Weather Forecast before you go hiking.

At the car park and along the gravel road (trail), there are information signs where you can read more about the nature at Dovrefjell, about the mining activities that were conducted there and about the Norwegian Armed Forces´ firing range, which has now been closed and is to be returned back to nature.
From Viewpoint Snøhetta (1220 masl) there is a fantastic view towards the mountain Snøhetta and Dovrefjell. Here you can also look down to the mountain plateau that was formerly a firing range for the Norwegian Armed Forces. This area is now protected and is part of the largest nature restoration in Norwegian history.
Viewpoint Snøhetta is open 24/7 in the period from when the trail and the viewpoint opens in June until it closes sometime in October.

The building at Viewpoint Snøhetta opens when the snow disappears at Dovrefjell in the spring and closes when the snow returns at Dovrefjell in the autumn, usually in the period between June and September.
So here you can enter the spectacular building to warm up and to see the fantastic panoramic view out through the glass wall that covers the entire building in the direction of the mountain Snøhetta and down to the abandoned shooting range.
When we visited Viewpoint Snøhetta, the weather and the view were not optimal. That means we will be making the trip again to take new photos. Hopefully there will be beautiful autumn colours, sun from a clear sky and snow on the mountain tops next time we hike to Viewpoint Snøhetta 🙂
The trail to Viewpoint Snøhetta – Stone slabs with inscription

Along the gravel road, there are stone slabs which is embedded in the gravel, on which information about Norway and Dovrefjell, from the Ice Age 8,000 BC to present, has been engraved. Here you can gain new knowledge about our country while hiking in the beautiful high mountain scenery.
On all of the stone slabs, in addition to the inscription, there is a timeline on the left side. The timeline runs from 8,000 years before Christ to present.
The trail along the gravel road is about 1.5 kilometers long from start to end, and has an ascent of about 120 metres. On that stretch there are approximately 20 stone slabs with information.
Below you can see pictures of the stone slabs with inscriptions. Press “i” on the pictures to read what is written on the different stone slabs, with original text and with a translation into English.
Hjerkinn and Dovrefjell – Adventures and Activities

Hjerkinn is a great starting point for adventures and activities in the beautiful and wild nature in the high mountains. This is right in the heart of Dovrefjell and Sunndalsfjella National Park, and on the website of the national park you can read more about what you can see and do in this beautiful area.
Visitor Centre Wild Reindeer at Hjerkinn, and Viewpoint Snøhetta by Hjerkinn. You can take a bus from Hjerkinn to the DNT-Cabin Snøheim. The Snøheim Cabin is a great starting point for those who want to hike to the mountain Snøhetta (2286 masl) and to the other mountain peaks in this beautiful mountain massif.
The musk ox trail was opened in 2007 and is a trail network where you can choose hikes of different lengths. Here, the chances are high that you will see those musk oxes. Remember that you must never approach the musk oxes if you see them. Keep a good distance, at least 200 meters, if you see musk oxes. The musk oxes can attack if they feel threatened, so we recommend you to join an organized musk ox safari with a guide if you want to see these mighty animals.

Experience the National Park Road (Norwegian text only), which is a great hiking and cycling road over Dovrefjell. Dovrefjell is also a fantastic area for horse riding. Here you can experience the high mountain area from the horseback. Hjerkinn Fjellstue og Fjellridning and Kvistli Iceland Horses arrange guided tours with horses at Dovrefjell.
With Snøhetta Husky you can experience guided tours on Dovrefjell from a dog sledge.
Walk along Gudbrandsdalsleden, which is the pilgrimage route between Oslo and Trondheim which, among other things, goes over Dovrefjell. Gudbrandsdalsleden was the main road from Oslo to Nidaros in Trondheim in the Middle Ages.
Visit the abandoned Folldal Mines in Folldal, which are 70 buildings in addition to mines, slag heaps and tips. Here you can see great exhibitions, go on a mining trip and experience the abandoned mining community up close.
Romsdalsfjord – What to See and Do

From snowy mountains to beautiful coastline of islands and reefs. Experience all this in one day due to the short distance from mountains to coast.
Trollstigen, The Troll Wall, Romsdalseggen, Rampestreken and Litlefjellet are great places to visit in the inner part of the Romsdalsfjord, where the fjord meets the spectacular and alpine Romsdal mountains.
Drive to the viewpoint Varden at 407 masl and take in the spectacular Molde Panoramic View towards the Romsdalsfjord and the 222 snowcapped mountains. Ona Island and Ona Lighthouse, The Atlantic Road and Midsundtrappene are attractions facing the Atlantic Ocean.

Travel green to Åndalsnes with Rauma Railway, a wild, beautiful and unique experience regardless of season. From Åndalsnes Railway Station, you can walk straight from the train and over to the Romsdal Gondola that takes you up to the city-mountain Mt Nesaksla and Eggen Restaurant.
From Mt Nesaksla you have a fantastic view towards Isfjorden, down to the Romsdalsfjord and up towards the Romsdalen Valley which you have just experienced from the train ride along the Rauma Railway. The Romsdalsfjord is located in the county of Møre og Romsdal, north in Western Norway.
Hotels and Accommodation in Nord-Gudbrandsdalen
Overview Hotels in Nord-Gudbrandsdalen
Overview Camping and Caravans in Nord-Gudbrandsdalen
Overview Mountain Lodges and Huts in Nord-Gudbrandsdalen
Overview Cabins in Nord-Gudbrandsdalen
Overview Exotic Accommodation in Nord-Gudbrandsdalen
Dovrefjell – Sunndalsfjella National Park
Nasjonalparkriket – Viewpoint Snøhetta
Visitor Centre Wild Reindeer – Besøkssenter Villrein – Hike to Viewpoint Snøhetta (Norwegian Text only)